Symptoms and Treatment of Bowel Cancer
Everyone has heard of cancer, but we shall be looking into another type of cancer, which is known as the Bowel cancer.
Bowel Cancer is said to be the fourth most common cancer in the United Kingdom (UK). Around the sum of 42,000 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer every year.
There are two main parts to the Bowel:
1) Large bowel.
2) Small bowel.
The bowel cancer can start from any of the bowel, but it is mostly common from the large bowel, which consists of two sections.
1) The Colon.
2) The Rectum.
The Colon is about one and a half meters long, and it is made up of other four parts. Which are:
A) Ascending Colon.
B) Transverse Colon.
C) Descending Colon.
D) Sigmoid Colon.
Any cancer that starts within any of these sections is known as the “Colon Cancer”.
The Colon absorbs the water and some nutrients, leaving wastes, which passes through to the rectum. The rectum is the last part of the bowel, and it is were our body stores poop, until it is passed out of our body.
Cancer which start from the rectum are called rectal cancer.
“The treatment you need for the rectal cancer is different from the treatment of the Colon cancer”.
Cancer can also start from the small bowel, Especially when we eat, the food we eat passes from the stomach into the small bowel. This is were most of our food are digested.
The small bowel is around 6 meters long, and it is commonly made up of 3 sections, which are:
A) Duodenum.
B) Jejunum.
C) Ileum.
Any cancer that starts within these 3 sections is called the small bowel cancer.
How Can Cancer Grow?.
The bowel wools is made up of several body tissues, the bowel cancer starts from the innermost layer, which is known as the lining.
Most large bowel cancers begins as a small growth known as polar, a small number of these can become a cancer, if not treated, which could now grow into the muscle layers and through the bowel wool.
Doctors think that most bowel cancers take 5 – 10 years or more to develop.
Cancer of the bowel could sometimes grow into nearby organs such as the bladder. In men cancer that grow near the lower part of the bowel can grow into the prostrate gland. While in women, it can grow into the womb.
What is The Prostate Gland?
The prostate gland is a said to be a kind of wal-nut shape gland, which dwells in between the bladder and the penis.
Cancer can also sometimes spread into some parts of the body, especially through the blood and lymphatic system.
The Lymphatic System.
The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials.
The lymphatic system is made up of lymph glands. Which are part of the human body immune system. This is also one of the first places bowel cancer spreads to is the nearby lymph glands in the stomach or abdominal. It could also spread into the lungs and the bones, but this is less common.
The treatment you need depends on the part of the bowel that started it, and the type of cell it started in.
Is It Curable?
Absolutely, The bowel cancer of the colon can be treatable/curable. Though surgery is mostly the common way one can get treatment. But if a patient keeps having surgery often, it might lead to the ultimate death of the patient.
4 Common Ways Colon Cancer Is Treated.
1) Polyp Removal.
Most times people get treated of this cancer without knowing they ever had the cancer, this usually occurs during colonoscopy, which is the process whereby cancerous polyp is removed.
2) Chemotherapy.
Sometimes people follow colon surgery with chemo, and sometimes people get it, in order to shrink tumor then get the colon out of their system.
3) Surgery.
When the tumor in your system are more severe, it may be necessary to get rid of part or sometimes all of the colon, in order to be cancer-free. Doctors can also help you decide on what you should opt for, either part of the colon is removed or all of the colon is removed.
4) Metastasis Measures.
If by chance the cancer has spread to other part of the human body, this could make the human undergo several other surgeries.