Let the Internet Pay the Bills – 120 Ways of Earning Money Online

‘Let the Internet Pay the Bills’ is a concise guide into 120 ways of earning money online that aims to bring opportunities to millions of internet users who may wish to earn money online via their electronic communication devices such as smartphones and computers. The internet today is replete with myriads of business opportunities powered by private interests, companies, organizations and brands that constantly seek the services of individuals to fix their problems and business challenges. Any internet user can leverage on these opportunities online and make that extra income by deploying his or her skills on these job opportunities to offset those recurring bills at home and at workplaces. Most of these job opportunities do not require any special skill, and many more just require you to install apps on your mobile devices that continue to accumulate income for you so long as your apps remain active.
This book also explains the stereotypes and misconceptions about online jobs and gives detailed explanations on how to avoid internet scam and cyber fraudsters while you seek legitimate ways of earning money online. There are detailed guidelines for you to get started even as a beginner and several tips on how you can manage your time, work schedules, payment processors and social media including all you need to network within your chosen niche as you earn money online while connected to the internet.
‘Let the Internet Pay the Bills’ is a modest contribution to the internet space that uncovers income opportunities to folks especially in developing economies of the novel ways they can passively increase their income via the internet when they subscribe to data plans with their mobile devices or computers. This book is indeed a sure way to lift many out of poverty and want!
You can also get the book here by downloading a copy of it