Causes, Consequences And Prevention Of Soil Erosion
“Soil erosion is the natural process by which a field’s topsoil is carried away by physical sources such as wind and water.”
What exactly is Soil Erosion?
The soil particles are loosened or washed away in valleys, oceans, rivers, streams, or distant lands during this process. Human activities such as agriculture and deforestation have exacerbated the situation.
Soil erosion is a continuous process that can happen slowly or quickly. It causes a continuous loss of topsoil, ecological degradation, soil collapse, and other problems.
Let’s take a closer look at the causes, consequences, and prevention of soil erosion.
Causes of Soil Erosion
The following are the major causes of soil erosion:
Flooding and Rainfall
The main cause of soil erosion is increased rainstorm intensity. Rainfall causes four types of soil erosion:
- Rill erosion
- Gully erosion
- Sheet erosion
- Splash Erosion
Raindrops scatter the soil, which is then washed away by nearby streams and rivers. Soil loss is particularly severe in areas with heavy and frequent rainfall. The flowing water during floods also erodes a lot of soil by forming potholes and rock-cut basins, among other things.
Soil erosion is primarily caused by farming practices. Agricultural activities cause soil disturbance. The trees have been felled, and the land has been ploughed in preparation for the planting of new seeds. Because most crops are grown in the spring, the land is fallow during the winter. During the winter, the majority of the soil erodes.
Tractor tyres also create grooves in the ground, creating a natural waterway. Wind erodes fine soil particles.
Grazing animals eat the grasses and clear the land of vegetation. The soil is churned up by their hooves. They also pull plants out by the roots. This loosens the soil, making it prone to erosion.
Mining and logging
To complete the logging process, a large number of trees are felled. Trees firmly hold the soil. The tree canopy shields the soil from heavy rainfall. During logging, the leaf litter that protects the soil from erosion is also lost.
Mining operations also disturb the land and make it more prone to erosion.
Road and building construction exposes the soil to erosion. Forests and grasslands are cleared for construction, exposing the soil and making it vulnerable to erosion.
Rivers and Streams
The flowing rivers and streams transport soil particles away, resulting in a V-shaped erosion activity.
High Winds
The wind transports minute soil particles to distant lands during dry weather or in semi-arid regions. This degrades soil and contributes to desertification.
Consequences of Soil Erosion
Soil erosion has the following major consequences:
Loss of Arable Land
Soil erosion removes the soil’s top fertile layer. This layer is abundant in the nutrients that plants and soil require. Crop productivity is low because degraded soil does not support crop production.
Waterway Obstruction
Pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals are found in agricultural soil. This pollutes the water bodies into which the soil drains.
Sediments accumulate in the water, raising the water level and causing flooding.
Air Pollution
The dust particles combine in the air, causing pollution. When inhaled, some toxic substances, such as pesticides and petroleum, can be extremely dangerous. When the winds blow, dust plumes from arid and semi-arid regions cause widespread pollution.
Desertification is exacerbated by soil erosion. It converts habitable areas into deserts. Deforestation and destructive land use exacerbate the situation. This also results in biodiversity loss, soil degradation, and ecosystem disruption.
Destruction of infrastructure
Soil sediment accumulation in dams and along their banks can reduce their efficiency. As a result, it has an impact on infrastructure projects such as dams, embankments, and drainage.
Preventing Soil Erosion
Soil erosion is a major environmental concern. Steps should be taken to address this issue. The following are some methods for preventing soil erosion:
- Plant trees on barren land to prevent soil erosion.
- To prevent soil erosion, add mulch and rocks beneath the plants and grass.
- Mulch matting can be used to prevent slope erosion.
- Install a series of fiber logs to keep water and soil from washing away.
- A wall at the bottom of the slope can help keep the soil from eroding.
- Every home should have a proper drainage system in place so that water can flow down into appropriate water collection systems.
Key Points of Soil Erosion
It is the natural process of topsoil erosion, but human activity has accelerated it.
It is typically caused by the removal of vegetation or any activity that dries out the ground.
Soil erosion is caused by a variety of factors, including farming, grazing, mining, construction, and recreational activities.
Soil erosion causes more than just land degradation. It has resulted in a significant increase in pollution and sedimentation in rivers, which clogs the water bodies and reduces the population of aquatic organisms.
Floods occur when degraded lands lose their water-holding capacity.
The health of the soil is critical for farmers and the population that relies on agriculture for food and employment.