4 Hi-tech Personal Transport Vehicles for the Future

Personal Transport Vehicles: In the past two centuries, almost every great technological advancement was meant to push humanity forward as a whole. Somewhere in the middle of the last century, there was a silent revolution that changed this forever. From inventing things for major institutions, army and science research centers, inventors shifted their focus towards small personal gadgets. This started subtly by every household getting a TV, a phone and so on.
Today, things have become even more extreme. Almost every millennial in the western hemisphere has a device as strong as a weaker top-tier personal computer. But, what about personal transport vehicles, where are we now when this is in question. Let’s check out some of the ideas and prototypes and see.
Electric Skateboard
Sure, on the list of transportation methods in the future, most people are probably expecting flying cars, flying motorcycles and whatnot. Still, we are years (probably even decades) away from this technology on our roads. On the other hand, improved electric skateboards like Carbon GT are already here. The worst thing is that, because it looks like a regular skateboard, this vehicle isn’t getting as much attention as it should. In the past, rough terrain was something skateboards just couldn’t deal with. Today, it is no more than a minor nuisance. This idea alone puts the electric skateboard at the top of the list.
This all-electric vehicle is an interesting concept, indeed. Namely, most personal transport vehicles have one major drawback- they have no roof and don’t protect from different road and weather occurrences. This is where EN-V comes in big. Developed by General Motors, this vehicle is still not massively produced or used, but all the potential is there. First of all, since it is an electric car, it doesn’t pollute the environment. Second, it is extremely compact, making it ideal for both urban commute and finding a parking spot in a crowded area. Finally, it is planned to be a self-driving vehicle, which means that, instead of wheel, what you get is a widescreen.
Finding a place to park is not a problem only for motor vehicles, but for bicycles, as well. To make things worse, stealing a car takes time, skill and special gear, while stealing a bike is a child’s play. Still, what if you could carry a bicycle around in your backpack. Sounds impossible? Well, A-Bike offers just that. This is a telescopic folding bicycle with a detachable 24V battery that has the range of approximately 25 km. Speaking about practicality, it simply doesn’t get any better than that.
Once again, the word hoverboard often gets people thinking about levitation. Unfortunately, this technology is still not practical or cost-effective. On the other hand, hoverboard Segway fills this role so perfectly that, while riding, one can’t even tell the difference. With the advanced self-balancing technology, they are extremely easy to use. Furthermore, like the aforementioned electric skateboards, they use sophisticated and strong materials that help this vehicle deal with the rough terrain. This means that bumps and cracks on the road are no longer something to be avoided.
As you can see, waiting for the future to finally arrive is quite unnecessary since the future is already here. Personal transportation is the industry that has probably undergone the most radical change in the known history and still continues to advance at an astounding pace. Any of these incredible vehicles can be rightfully named as the future of urban commute, and it won’t be long until our streets are crowded with them. What comes after that one can only imagine?
The present and future of personal transportation devices are exciting and I cannot wait to see what is on the horizon. Government officials and urban planners need to look at the benefits of these vehicles and how they can incorporate them into existing and future structures of cities. With the right amount of planning, personal transportation vehicles can have an impact on economies, traffic congestion, and the environment.