Fuel Saving Misconceptions: 10 Fuel Saving Techniques For Your Car
There are several misconceptions about cars and how a car can be maintained to save fuel cost and also give a satisfactory efficient service. However, these beliefs are inconsistent with modern car technology trends and are fake fuel saving techniques. As such, any car owner or driver must observe and adhere to scientific and technological research findings on ways to save fuel cost without compromising the performance of a car.
Below are effective techniques that you can adopt in saving fuel expenses and avoiding those age long myths about cars.
1. Most drivers have the erroneous impression that accelerating too quickly will increase a car’s fuel millage! But the truth is that quick acceleration requires a fuel boost. To save your fuel, accelerate and brake smoothly.
2. Fuel economy is based on the weight and engine of a car and not how large the car is. A spacious car that weighs less compared to a smaller car that weighs more would consume less fuel. Moreover, cars with an electric engine or an engine design that conserves fuel would definitely be more economical in terms of fuel cost.
3. The belief that purchasing your fuel early in the morning or changing the air filter would reduce fuel consumption is just a myth. Rather, cleaning out all the junk and load on your car would greatly lower its fuel consumption. Note that for every 45.5 kilograms of weight in your car, you decrease its fuel efficiency by up to 2%.
4. While driving, the thinking is that avoiding the use of air conditioners would help conserve fuel. This frame of thought is false. The truth is that while driving within the city or town you can roll down the windows as it increases millage. But once you are on a high way the increased on the engine would definitely cancel out any savings made on fuel. It is thus recommended that once you are on a highway, say at 80 or 90km/hr, just roll up those windows and use your car AC.
5. Hypermiling is one of the false fuel saving techniques where drivers switch off their ignition on long traffic lights or while descending hills in other to maximize their cars fuel efficiency. The old myth of traveling at top speed to cover long distances on ‘a gallon of fuel’ is false.
6. Some fuel saving techniques practiced by some drivers include the use of low grade gasoline or even switching off the car air conditioner. To actually save cost, an over inflated tire can increase your cars millage and maximize fuel for you, but you stand the risk of skidding off the road or losing control of the car at top speeds due to reduced frictional force between the tires and the road.
7. Popular belief is that using a vapor injector in a car or buying premium gasoline can save fuel. These beliefs are utterly false. If you desire to save fuel for your car then ride a bicycle, probably twice a week to work, school or an engagement. Remember it is a form of exercise!
8. Owners and drivers believe that warming the car early in the morning and allowing it to idle-run fro some time while they engage in other activities would help save fuel. The truth is that modern cars warm up much faster ad run more efficiently once they hit the road than they would do while running idle in the garage or drive way. The next time you get dressed for work in the morning, just turn on your car engine and zoom off. Your car is always good to go even without the mythical early morning warming!
9. Buying a second hand car to save money would amount to being ‘penny wise pound foolish’. If you desire to save on fuel cost then go for a new car. They are designed to be more efficient and can save you about $950 on the average.
10. A vegetable oil conversion kit can make you save quite a lot. The vegetable oil known as Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) is the same used i fries and bakeries. Once a diesel engine has been converted to use this kind of oil, then the owner may well enjoy huge savings from buying diesel oil.