Best Ways to Locate Apps Draining your Android Device Battery

android device battery

Making use of an android device with a very poor battery can be really annoying. Although reasons why your phone battery is draining quickly could be caused by many different stuffs. Mostly the apps which are running in the background are the major reason why your phone battery is draining quickly. So, today we will be looking into how we can locate the apps which is draining our android battery.

1) Re-configuring your Android display setting

In order to boost your Android device performance, start by optimizing your battery usage. there are some changes that could help prevent your battery from draining quickly.

* Setting changes on Screen display:

* Launch your Android Settings

* Click on Display

* Click on Advanced

* Click on Screen Timeout and choose 15 seconds, if your screen timeout goes lower than 15 seconds then select the lowest screen timeout option

* Reducing screen brightness:

* Launch your Android Settings

* Click on Display

* Click on Adaptive brightness and turn it on

* Turning off keyboard sound and vibration:

* Launch your Android Settings

* Click on sound

* Click on Advanced and turn it off

* Restrict apps that are not in use

2) Find the Apps which are draining your phone battery


Just as we stated above, having way too many Apps running on the background is a very bad choice to make, especially when you want your battery to last longer. The Android device enables users to control how an app drains their battery life. There are several methods or steps, which the user can take, such as: limiting the app, deleting the app, pausing the app, or just using the force stop button on the app. Below are breakdown steps on how to do this:

* Launch your device settings.
* Scroll down and click on the Battery setting option.
* You will see an analysis, which shows you which apps are draining your battery life the most.
* Select the app(this is the app with the highest percentage (%) value) which drains your battery life more.
* Uninstall it, or force stop the app.

3) Making use of a third-party app related to battery life maintenance


Another great option is to make use of a third-party app, which will help you maintain your battery life and boost your battery’s performance. There are millions of apps on Google Play Store and we are recommending you to download AccuBattery app. AccuBattery app allows you to monitor what apps are draining your battery, it also lets you know your battery’s health conditions. Below is a step by step guide on how to make use of this app:

* Launch your Google Play Store app, and download AccuBattery app.

* Install the app and launch it.

* Search for the option App usage access using the three-dot icon on the top right corner.

* Grant the app permission to access what the apps needs to function well.

* Now on the AccuBattery app dashboard, you will see lots of options, which indicates the phone app usage of the battery.

* Some of the options you will see are: the charging option, the discharging option, and the battery health option.

4) Making use of the Battery HD app

Battery HD

Another third-party app we recommend is Battery HD app, which you can download from Google Play Store. Below are guidelines on how you can operate the Battery HD app:

* Open the Google Play Store app, and download Battery HD app.

* Install the app and launch the app on your Android smartphone.

* The homepage contains your Android smartphone battery metrics.

* There is a graph which will indicate your phone’s charging speed, battery usage, e.t.c

These are 4 ways to helps locate what apps are draining your battery life percentage, what other third-party app would you recommend ? also read more about this topic here, let us know your answers in the comment section.