Benefits of microorganisms

Benefits of microorganisms

There are living organisms of microscopic origin that exist in and around us. These living organisms are referred to as microbes or microorganisms, and they can only be seen with a microscope.

Microorganisms come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and they can be both beneficial and harmful to us.

Microorganisms can be found in and on the human body, in the air, in the food we eat, and even in the water we drink.

Bacteria, protozoa, viruses, and fungi (yeasts and molds) are the four major types of microorganisms. 

Here are Some Benefits of Microorganisms Around Us 

Benefits of microorganisms

Bread Production 

Through fermentation, microorganisms are used in the production of bread. 

To bake the bread, yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is added to the dough.

 The yeast uses the sugar present in the flour for this process, which contributes to the bread’s texture. 

Production of Dairy Products

Microorganisms like bacteria aid in the fermentation process, which aids in the production of various dairy products from milk such as curd, buttermilk, butter, and cheese.

 The most common genus of bacteria used in the commercial production of this product is streptococcus.

 Production of Alcoholic Beverages

Microorganisms are used in the fermentation process of alcohol.

Each drink is made from a different base ingredient, such as potato or grapes. 

It is then fermented, distilled, and alcohol is produced. 

Different types of fungus, such as yeast, are commonly used microorganisms here. Bacteria can also be used in beverages production.

Production of Antibiotics

An antibiotic a chemical that is used to treat bacterial infections and either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Antigens and enzymes from bacteria and viruses are extracted and used in the production of Antibiotics.

 Production of Enzymes

Microorganisms are used in the production of enzymes such as lipase, lactase, protease, and peptidase.

 Production of Vitamins

Microbial fermentation with bacteria, yeasts, or fungi produces vitamins and vitamin-like compounds.

The most common microorganisms used in this process are; Propionibacterium freudenreichii, Pseudomonas denitrificans, Bacillus megaterium and Streptomyces olivaceus.

 Biodegradation of Toxic Waste

One of the most important natural roles of microorganisms is to aid in the decomposition process. 

Microbes naturally aid in the breakdown of organic matter.

Biodegradation is the process by which microorganisms (primarily aerobic bacteria) decompose organic substances into simpler substances such as carbon dioxide, water, and ammonia.

During biodegradation, a chemical compound is transformed or eliminated by the biological action of living organisms.

 Boost the Immune System

Bacillus, a rod-shaped bacteria found in the gastrointestinal tract, binds to immune system cells and stimulates their division and reproduction. 

These gut microbes accomplish this by instructing specialized immune cells to produce potent antiviral proteins, which ultimately eliminate viral infections.

 A person’s body that lacks these beneficial gut bacteria will not have as strong an immune response to invading viruses.

These microbes may even aid the body’s fight against cancerous tumors.

Keep the Body in Shape

The human body is inhabited by millions of tiny living organisms, which, all together, are called the human microbiome.

These microbes play an important role in our body shape by helping us digest and ferment foods, as well as by producing chemicals that influence our metabolic rates.

Microorganisms Aid Detoxification

Detoxification (detox)is the removal of toxic substances from a living organism. Just as humans breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, microbes in and on us take in toxins and spare us their dangerous effects.

Microorganisms Are Used In The Fertilization of Soils

The majority of nutrient released from organic matter is done by the soil microorganisms. These microorganisms use the carbon and nutrients in organic matter to grow when they decompose it. Excess nutrients are released into the soil, where they can be absorbed by plants.

All these and more are why we need microorganisms in and around us.

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