7 Reasons Why You should Choose Blogger Platform Over WordPress
I am sure that as a blogger you are wondering what better services blogger would offer its users in the face of WordPress which many believe is the ultimate platform for blogging. Yes! That is quite right. WordPress is a wonderful platform for every blogger considering all the fanciful teams that could be easily customized and the myriads of plugins that are available and also those that are been created almost daily to aid bloggers and webmasters.
However, there are still limitations to the Use of WordPress as a blogging platform when it comes to SEO. Google is a ‘selfish’ company and like the natural law of self preservation says, ‘the self first’. So when it comes to SEO and page ranking you must choose carefully what to use and not just follow the bandwagon without any clear motive especially if you are on a low budget for SEO or a newbie in blogging as a webmaster.
Here are some 7 important reasons why you should choose blogger over WordPress if you are blogger
1. Firstly, blogger platform is very simple to customize and any newbie can easily set up a blog using this platform’s many gadgets.
2. This platform is directly linked to your Google plus account and this makes for better SEO since Google uses social media interactions as a ranking factor. Blogger makes it easy for your posts to be automatically sent to your Google plus account once you hit the publish button.
3. With blogger, there is no need to begin to apply for adsense if you want to monetize your blog. This can be a very great revenue earning platform for you if you have great contents in your blog.
4. As the doctrine of self preservation is not alien to Google, websites and blogs using the blogger platform rank higher in web searches compared to other sites suing other platforms including
WordPress. Although Google would never admit this, but there are overwhelming reports by most bloggers that blogger sites tend to outperform in SEO compared to similar sites designed elsewhere!
5. Bloggers who use this Google blogging platform do not need any hosting packages. Their blogs are self hosted by Google and can be customized to a specific country’s search results for higher SEO rankings. This I mean by having a site to be country specific such as .fr, .co.uk, .au, .ng, .com, .it and so on.
6. You can easily point your blogger blog to a custom domain without many technicalities. All you need is just to register the domain with a registrar.
7. Statistics and site analysis is germane to every blogger. With the blogger platform you can easily monitor your site statistics and determine where your site traffic is coming from, number of pages visited, pageviews by browsers, pageviews by operating system, referring sites and referring urls.
Awesome piece of information. Thanks for sharing